Table of Contents

Class HostFunction


A function provided by the host that plugins can call.

public class HostFunction : IDisposable
Inherited Members


HostFunction(string, Span<ExtismValType>, Span<ExtismValType>, nint, ExtismFunction)

Registers a Host Function.

public HostFunction(string functionName, Span<ExtismValType> inputTypes, Span<ExtismValType> outputTypes, nint userData, ExtismFunction hostFunction)


functionName string

The literal name of the function, how it would be called from a Plugin.

inputTypes Span<ExtismValType>

The types of the input arguments/parameters the Plugin caller will provide.

outputTypes Span<ExtismValType>

The types of the output returned from the host function to the Plugin.

userData nint

An opaque pointer to an object from the host, accessible on CurrentPlugin. NOTE: it is the shared responsibility of the host and Plugin to cast/dereference this value properly.

hostFunction ExtismFunction



Throw an appropriate exception if the Host Function has been disposed.

protected void CheckNotDisposed()




Frees all resources held by this Host Function.

public void Dispose()


Frees all resources held by this Host Function.

protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)


disposing bool


Destructs the current Host Function and frees all resources used by it.

protected ~HostFunction()

FromMethod(string, nint, Action<CurrentPlugin>)

Registers a HostFunction from a method that takes no parameters an returns no values.

public static HostFunction FromMethod(string functionName, nint userdata, Action<CurrentPlugin> callback)


functionName string

The literal name of the function, how it would be called from a Plugin.

userdata nint

An opaque pointer to an object from the host, accessible on CurrentPlugin. NOTE: it is the shared responsibility of the host and Plugin to cast/dereference this value properly.

callback Action<CurrentPlugin>

The host function implementation.



FromMethod<I1>(string, nint, Action<CurrentPlugin, I1>)

Registers a HostFunction from a method that takes 1 parameter an returns no values. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

public static HostFunction FromMethod<I1>(string functionName, nint userdata, Action<CurrentPlugin, I1> callback) where I1 : struct


functionName string

The literal name of the function, how it would be called from a Plugin.

userdata nint

An opaque pointer to an object from the host, accessible on CurrentPlugin. NOTE: it is the shared responsibility of the host and Plugin to cast/dereference this value properly.

callback Action<CurrentPlugin, I1>

The host function implementation.



Type Parameters


Type of first parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

FromMethod<R>(string, nint, Func<CurrentPlugin, R>)

Registers a HostFunction from a method that takes no parameters an returns a value. Supported return types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

public static HostFunction FromMethod<R>(string functionName, nint userdata, Func<CurrentPlugin, R> callback) where R : struct


functionName string

The literal name of the function, how it would be called from a Plugin.

userdata nint

An opaque pointer to an object from the host, accessible on CurrentPlugin. NOTE: it is the shared responsibility of the host and Plugin to cast/dereference this value properly.

callback Func<CurrentPlugin, R>

The host function implementation.



Type Parameters


Type of the first parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

FromMethod<I1, I2>(string, nint, Action<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2>)

Registers a HostFunction from a method that takes 2 parameters an returns no values. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

public static HostFunction FromMethod<I1, I2>(string functionName, nint userdata, Action<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2> callback) where I1 : struct where I2 : struct


functionName string

The literal name of the function, how it would be called from a Plugin.

userdata nint

An opaque pointer to an object from the host, accessible on CurrentPlugin. NOTE: it is the shared responsibility of the host and Plugin to cast/dereference this value properly.

callback Action<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2>

The host function implementation.



Type Parameters


Type of the first parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double


Type of the second parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

FromMethod<I1, R>(string, nint, Func<CurrentPlugin, I1, R>)

Registers a HostFunction from a method that takes 1 parameter an returns a value. Supported return and parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

public static HostFunction FromMethod<I1, R>(string functionName, nint userdata, Func<CurrentPlugin, I1, R> callback) where I1 : struct where R : struct


functionName string

The literal name of the function, how it would be called from a Plugin.

userdata nint

An opaque pointer to an object from the host, accessible on CurrentPlugin. NOTE: it is the shared responsibility of the host and Plugin to cast/dereference this value properly.

callback Func<CurrentPlugin, I1, R>

The host function implementation.



Type Parameters


Type of the first parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double


Type of the first parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

FromMethod<I1, I2, I3>(string, nint, Action<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2, I3>)

Registers a HostFunction from a method that takes 3 parameters an returns no values. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

public static HostFunction FromMethod<I1, I2, I3>(string functionName, nint userdata, Action<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2, I3> callback) where I1 : struct where I2 : struct where I3 : struct


functionName string

The literal name of the function, how it would be called from a Plugin.

userdata nint

An opaque pointer to an object from the host, accessible on CurrentPlugin. NOTE: it is the shared responsibility of the host and Plugin to cast/dereference this value properly.

callback Action<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2, I3>

The host function implementation.



Type Parameters


Type of the first parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double


Type of the second parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double


Type of the third parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

FromMethod<I1, I2, R>(string, nint, Func<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2, R>)

Registers a HostFunction from a method that takes 2 parameter an returns a value. Supported return and parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

public static HostFunction FromMethod<I1, I2, R>(string functionName, nint userdata, Func<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2, R> callback) where I1 : struct where I2 : struct where R : struct


functionName string

The literal name of the function, how it would be called from a Plugin.

userdata nint

An opaque pointer to an object from the host, accessible on CurrentPlugin. NOTE: it is the shared responsibility of the host and Plugin to cast/dereference this value properly.

callback Func<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2, R>

The host function implementation.



Type Parameters


Type of the first parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double


Type of the second parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double


Type of the first parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

FromMethod<I1, I2, I3, R>(string, nint, Func<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2, I3, R>)

Registers a HostFunction from a method that takes 3 parameter an returns a value. Supported return and parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double

public static HostFunction FromMethod<I1, I2, I3, R>(string functionName, nint userdata, Func<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2, I3, R> callback) where I1 : struct where I2 : struct where I3 : struct where R : struct


functionName string

The literal name of the function, how it would be called from a Plugin.

userdata nint

An opaque pointer to an object from the host, accessible on CurrentPlugin. NOTE: it is the shared responsibility of the host and Plugin to cast/dereference this value properly.

callback Func<CurrentPlugin, I1, I2, I3, R>

The host function implementation.



Type Parameters


Type of the first parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double


Type of the second parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double


Type of the third parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double


Type of the first parameter. Supported parameter types: int, uint, long, ulong, float, double


Sets the function namespace. By default it's set to env.

public void SetNamespace(string ns)


ns string


Sets the function namespace. By default it's set to extism:host/user.

public HostFunction WithNamespace(string ns)


ns string

