Interface Capabilities


  • Capabilities


allowSharedBufferCodec: boolean

Whether or not the environment allows SharedArrayBuffers to be passed to TextDecoder.decode and TextEncoder.encodeInto directly

  • ✅ node
  • ✅ deno
  • ✅ bun
  • ❌ firefox
  • ❌ chrome
  • ❌ webkit
crossOriginChecksEnforced: boolean

Whether or not cross-origin checks are enforced for outgoing HTTP requests on this platform.

  • ❌ node
  • ❌ deno
  • ❌ bun
  • ✅ firefox
  • ✅ chrome
  • ✅ webkit
extismStdoutEnvVarSet: boolean

Whether or not the EXTISM_ENABLE_WASI_OUTPUT environment variable has been set.

This value is consulted whenever ExtismPluginOptions#enableWasiOutput is omitted.

fsAccess: boolean

Whether or not the host environment has access to a filesystem.

  • ✅ node
  • ✅ deno
  • ✅ bun
  • ❌ firefox
  • ❌ chrome
  • ❌ webkit
hasWorkerCapability: boolean

Whether or not the host environment supports moving Wasm plugin workloads to a worker. This requires SharedArrayBuffer support, which requires window.crossOriginIsolated to be true in browsers.


crossOriginalIsolated on MDN

  • ✅ node
  • ✅ deno
  • ✅ bun
  • 🔒 firefox
  • 🔒 chrome
  • 🔒 webkit
manifestSupportsPaths: boolean

Whether or not ManifestWasm items support the "path:" key.

  • ✅ node
  • ✅ deno
  • ✅ bun
  • ❌ firefox
  • ❌ chrome
  • ❌ webkit
supportsTimeouts: boolean

Whether or not the host environment supports timeouts.

  • ✅ node
  • ✅ deno
  • ❌ bun (Exhibits strange behavior when await'ing worker.terminate().)
  • ✅ firefox
  • ✅ chrome
  • ✅ webkit
supportsWasiPreview1: boolean

Whether or not the host environment supports WASI preview 1.


WASI and WASI Preview 1

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